The store is currently a work in progress. Until it's complete, if you see a card you want on the site and you're in the United States, send me an email.
Ungraded Pokémon TCG Cards
I don't work for PSA, CGC, or similar so I can't tell you what these cards will receive as a grade. While I'd like to think all my cards are in great condition, its best to assume that they would grade around a NM8. They could grade higher or lower, but that's not up to me to decide.

Pikachu [Ultra Rare]
(Celebrations #5)

Mew [Holo Rare]
(Celebrations #11)

Reshiram [Holo Rare]
(Celebrations #2)

Yveltal [Holo Rare]
(Celebrations #19)

Dialga [Holo Rare]
(Celebrations #20)

Cosmog [Holo Rare]
(Celebrations #13)

Tornadus VMAX [Ultra Rare]
(Chilling Reign #125)

Celebi V [Ultra Rare]
(Chilling Reign #7)

Hatterene [Holo Rare]
(Chilling Reign #73)

Cobalian [Holo Rare]
(Chilling Reign #114)

Kecleon [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #122)

Galarian Sirfetch'd [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #79)

Golurk [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #66)

Weezing [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #95)

Dugtrio [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #77)

Passimian [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #88)

Galarian Slowking [Rare][Reverse Holo]
(Chilling Reign #98)

Porygon-Z [Rare][Reverse Holo]
(Chilling Reign #118)

Walrein [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #39)

Scolipede [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #107)

Gallade [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #81)

Banette [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #63)

Slurpuff [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #68)

Ampharos [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #49)

Sawsbuck [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #12)

Zangoose [Rare]
(Chilling Reign #120)

Grookey [Common]
(Chilling Reign #16)

Scorbunny [Common]
(Chilling Reign #26)

Sobble [Common]
(Chilling Reign #41)

Luxray [Holo Rare]
(Battle Styles #48)

Falinks [Rare]
(Battle Styles #83)

Lickilicky [Rare]
(Battle Styles #114)

Marowak [Rare]
(Battle Styles #70)

Boltund [Rare]
(Battle Styles #53)

Zamazenta [Amazing Rare]
(Vivid Voltage #102)

Zacian [Amazing Rare]
(Vivid Voltage #82)

Raikou [Amazing Rare]
(Vivid Voltage #50)

Marnie [Holo Rare]
(Sword & Shield #169)

Shiinotic [Rare][Reverse Holo]
(Sun & Moon #17)
Graded Pokémon TCG Cards
Each image represents that particular slab and is not a computer render. I am the original owner of all the listed slabs and most cards were pulled by me. If you have questions regarding any of the slabs, don't hesitate to reach out.

Gloom [Uncommon][1st Edition]
(Jungle #37)

Jigglypuff [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #54)

Goldeen [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #53)

Mankey [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #55)

Nidoran [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #57)

Oddish [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #58)

Bellsprout [Common][1st Edition]
(Jungle #49)

Recyle [Common][1st Edition]
(Fossil #61)

Grimer [Common][1st Edition]
(Fossil #48)

Gambler [Common][1st Edition]
(Fossil #60)

Geodude [Common][1st Edition]
(Fossil #47)

Slowpoke [Common][1st Edition]
(Fossil #55)

Double Colorless Energy [Uncommon][Unlimited]
(Base Set #96)

Sleep! [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #79)

Voltorb [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #69)

Dark Muk [Uncommon][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #41)

Meowth [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #62)

Rattata [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #66)

Drowzee [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #54)

Goop Gas Attack [Common][1st Edition]
(Team Rocket #78)

Thwackey [Uncommon][Reverse Holo]
(Sword & Shield #12)

Thwackey [Uncommon]
(Sword & Shield #12)